:.:United American Youth Liberalists:.:

welcome the online printable version of our bill of beliefs...our bill is divided into 3 sectionals. please read and understand the viewpoints, goals, and decleration of youth rights....


United American Youth Liberalists Bill of Beliefs (Written: May 18, 2001 Last Revised: May 21, 2001)

Note: These are the beliefs of the members of the United American Youth Liberalists unification. The general desire of our unification, as portrayed in our beliefs, is to expand youth representation in social, economic, & political issues and empower all youth to be treated with exact equality of adults.

First Sectional of Beliefs - Viewpoints

1. The United American Youth Liberalists believe that under our constitution all people are created equal. Throughout the past century we have seen these freedoms granted to most individuals and groups once seperated from representation due to differences once percieved as making them inferior. We do however recognize that not all groups have been given these rights as they so deserve. We do not believe in the denial of rights to any person in the United States, based on their age.

2. The United American Youth Liberalists believe that any person who becomes a victim of discrimination due to age, should have full legal right, if capable of showing one can fulfill what is desired, to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law on basis of discrimination.

3. The United American Youth Liberalists believe that any person, regardless of age, should have full opportunity to perform any tasks previously limited against minors. The only exemption from this opportunity would be in the case that the minors' abilities, measured in a fair matter, were not of the capabilities of those demonstrated by a non-minor (person aged 18 and above).

4. The United American Youth Liberalists believe that any person now considered a minor, should be considered by the government as a fully-righted citizen and any restrictions placed on that person due to age, should be lifted immediately.

Second Sectional of Beliefs - Goals

1. The United American Youth Liberalists strive to achieve direct equality for all citizens regardless of age and any other discrimintal viewpoint.

2. The United American Youth Liberalists strive to achieve the right to vote to be lowered from the current age of 18 (in most states) to the age of 16 (nationwide). Further lowering of the age would be desired, yet is unreasonable to ask for when no actions have been taken seriously to lower the age of voting.

3. The United American Youth Liberalists strive to achieve elimination of the lawful placement of parental authority over wishes of one's own self in all matters, ranging from curfew, and all other percieved "rights" that the parents have to overrule the wishes of the individual.

4. The United American Youth Liberalists strive to achieve the right for every American, regardless of age, to have full opportunity to have some representation and voice in political matters of the United States.

Third Sectional of Beliefs -   "Decleration of Youth Rights"

We, The United American Youth Liberalists agree that the above changes most likely portray the true meaning of the words, "all men were created equal" and believe in the statement, "All people on this earth have equal right to political, social, and economic decisions, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, political view, and any other description of a factor holding a person from equality."

©copyright 2001-2002 by the united american youth liberalists